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SQLAlchemy Integration

This tutorial builds on the User Manager tutorial. If you haven’t done so, we recommend you to read it first.

In this tutorial, we talk about using Spyne tools that make it easy to deal with database-related operations using SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is a well-established and mature SQL generation and ORM library that is well worth the time invested in climbing its learning curve.

We will show how to integrate SQLAlchemy and Spyne object definitions, and how to do painless transaction management using Spyne events.

There are two ways of integrating with SQLAlchemy:

  1. The first and supported method is to use the output of the spyne.model.complex.TTableModel.

    The TTableModel class is a templated callable that produces a ComplexModel that has enough information except table name to be mapped with a SQL table. It takes an optional metadata argument and creates a new one when one isn’t supplied.

    WARNING: While the machinery around TTableModel is in production use in a few places, it should be considered experimental as it’s a relatively new feature which is not as battle-tested as the rest of the Spyne code.

    Also, this is only tested with PostgreSQL and to some extent, SQLite. We’re looking for volunteers to test and integrate other RDBMSs, please open an issue and chime in.

  2. The second method is to use spyne.model.table.TableModel as a second base class together with the declarative base class (output of the sqlalchemy.orm.declarative_base() callable). This is deprecated [1] and won’t be developed any further, yet it also won’t be removed in the foreseeable feature as apparently there are people who are quite fine with its quirks and would prefer to have it shipped within the Spyne package.

This document will cover only the first method. The documentation for the second method can be found in the spyne.model.table documentation or in the Spyne 2.9 documentation.

The semantics of SQLAlchemy’s and Spyne’s object definition are almost the same, except a few small differences:

  1. SQLAlchemy’s Integer maps to Spyne’s Integer32 or Integer64, depending on the RDBMS. Spyne’s Integer, as it’s an arbitrary-size number, is converted to sqlalchemy.Decimal type as it’s the only type that can acommodate arbitrary-size numbers. So it’s important to use a bounded integer type like Integer32 or Integer64, especially as primary key.

  2. SQLAlchemy’s UnicodeText is Spyne’s Unicode with no max_len restriction. If you need a length-limited UnicodeText, you can use Spyne’s Unicode object as follows:

        __tablename__ = "some_table"
        # text
        some_text = Unicode(2048, db_type=sqlalchemy.UnicodeText)
        # varchar
        some_varchar = Unicode(2048)
        # text
        some_more_text = Unicode

    Default mapping for text types is varchar. Note that the limit is only enforced to incoming data, in this case the database type is bounded only by the limits of the database system.

  3. Spyne does not reflect all restrictions to the database – some are only enforced to incoming data when validation is enabled. These include range and value restrictions for numbers, and min_len and pattern restrictions for Spyne types.

Okay, enough with the introductory & disclaimatory stuff, let’s get coding :)

There’s a fully functional example at examples/user_manager/ in the source distribution.

First, we need a database handle:

db = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=db)
metadata = MetaData(bind=db)

Now, we must define our own TableModel base class. This must be defined for every MetaData instance.

TableModel = TTableModel(metadata)

Doing this is also possible:

TableModel == TTableModel()
TableModel.Attributes.sqla_metadata.bind = db

... but the first method is arguably cleaner.

We’re finally ready to define Spyne types mapped to SQLAlchemy tables. At this point, we have two options: Do everything with the Spyne markers, or re-use existing SQLAlchemy code we might already have.

The Spyne Way

Let’s consider the following two class definitions:

class Permission(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'permission'

    id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
    application = Unicode(values=('usermgr', 'accountmgr'))
    operation = Unicode(values=('read', 'modify', 'delete'))

class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
    user_name = Unicode(32, min_len=4, pattern='[a-z0-9.]+', unique=True)
    full_name = Unicode(64, pattern='\w+( \w+)+')
    email = Unicode(64, pattern=r'[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}')
    last_pos = Point(2, index='gist')
    permissions = Array(Permission).store_as('table')

A couple of points about the above block:

A TableModel subclass won’t be mapped to a database table if it’s missing both the __table__ and __tablename__ attributes. As we’re defining the table in this object, we just pass the __tablename__ attribute – the __table__ object (which is a sqlalchemy.schema.Table instance) will be generated automatically.

The definitions of the id, user_name, full_name and email fields should be self-explanatory. There are other database-specific arguments that can be passed to the column definition, see the spyne.model.ModelBase reference for more information.

The last_pos field is a spatial type – a 2D point, to be exact. PostGIS docs suggest to use ‘gin’ or ‘gist’ indexes with spatial fields. Here we chose to use the ‘gist’ index [2].

As for the permissions field, due to the store_as('table') call, it will be stored using a one-to-many relationship. Spyne automatically generates a foreign key column inside the permission table with ‘user_id’ as default value.

If we’d let the store_as() call out:

permissions = Array(Permission)

... the permissions field would not exist as far as SQLAlchemy is concerned.

Calling store_as() is just a shortcut for calling .customize(store_as='table').

While the default is what appears to make most sense when defining such relations, it might not always be appropriate. Spyne offers the so-called “compound option object”s to make it easy to configure persistance options.

Using the spyne.model.complex.table object, we change the permissions field to be serialized using the many-to-many pattern:


from spyne.model.complex import table

permissions = Array(Permission).store_as(table(multi=True))

In this case, Spyne takes care of creating a relation table with appropriate foreign key columns.

We can also alter column names or the relation table name:

from spyne.model.complex import table

permissions = Array(Permission).store_as(table(
          left='u_id', right='perm_id',

See the spyne.model.complex.table reference for more details on configuring object relations.

Using SQL Databases as Hybrid Document Stores

'table' is not the only option for persisting objects to a database. Other options are 'json' and 'xml'. These use the relevant column types to store the object serialized to JSON or XML.

Let’s modify the previous example to store the Permission entity in a JSON column.

class Permission(ComplexModel):
    application = Unicode(values=('usermgr', 'accountmgr'))
    operation = Unicode(values=('read', 'modify', 'delete'))

class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
    user_name = Unicode(32, min_len=4, pattern='[a-z0-9.]+')
    full_name = Unicode(64, pattern='\w+( \w+)+')
    email = Unicode(64, pattern=r'[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}')
    permissions = Array(Permission).store_as('json')

Note that nothing has changed in the User object except the storage parameter for the permissions field, whereas the Permission object now inherits from ComplexModel and does not have (nor need) a primary key.

As the Array(Permission) is now stored in a document-type column inside the table, it’s possible to make arbitrary changes to the schema of the Permission object without worrying about schema migrations – If the changes are backwards-compatible, everything will work flawlessly. If not, attributes in that are not defined in the latest object definition will just be ignored [3].

Such changes are never reflected to the schema. In other words, your clients will never know how your objects are persisted just by looking at your schema alone.

You can play with the example at to experiment how Spyne’s model engine interacts with SQLAlchemy.

Integrating with Existing SQLAlchemy objects

Let’s consider the following fairly ordinary SQLAlchemy object:

class User(DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'spyne_user'

    id = Column(sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_name = Column(sqlalchemy.String(256))
    first_name = Column(sqlalchemy.String(256))
    last_name = Column(sqlalchemy.String(256))

Assigning an existing SQLAlchemy table to the __table__ attribute of the TableModel ...

class User(TableModel):
    __table__ = User.__table__

... creates the corresponding Spyne object. This conversion works for simple column types, but complex ORM constructs like relationshipare not converted.

If you want to override which columns are exposed, you must set everything manually:

class User(TableModel):
    __table__ = User.__table__

    id = UnsignedInteger32
    user_name = Unicode(32, min_len=4, pattern='[a-z0-9.]+')
    full_name = Unicode(64, pattern='\w+( \w+)+')
    email = Unicode(64, pattern=r'[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}')

Any field not listed here does not exist as far as Spyne is concerned.

This is still one of the weaker spots of SQLAlchemy integration, please chime in with your ideas on how we should handle different cases!

What’s next?

This tutorial walks you through most of what you need to know to implement complex, real-world services. You can read the Working with RPC Metadata section where service metadata management APIs are introduced, but otherwise, you’re mostly set.

You also refer to the reference of the documentation or the mailing list if you have further questions.


The reasons for its depreciation are as follows:

  1. The old way of trying to fuse metaclasses was a nightmare to maintain.
  2. The new API can handle existing SQLAlchemy objects via the __table__ attribute trick.
  3. It’s not easy to add arbitrary restrictions (like pattern) when using the SQLAlchemy API.
[2]It’s not possible to use an Array of primitives directly for 'table' storage – create a ComplexModel with a primary key field as a workaround. (or, you guessed it, send a patch!...)

To make the case with non-backwards-compatible changes work, an implicit versioning support must be added. Assuming that everybody agrees that this is a good idea, adding this feature would be another interesting project.

Feedback is welcome!