Source code for spyne.model.primitive

# spyne - Copyright (C) Spyne contributors.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301

"""The ``spyne.model.primitive`` package contains atomic, single-value types."""

import sys
if sys.version > '3':
    long = int

import re
import math
import uuid
import pytz
import decimal
import datetime
import platform
import time

import spyne.const.xml_ns

from collections import deque

from pytz import FixedOffset

from spyne.model import SimpleModel
from spyne.model import nillable_string
from spyne.error import ValidationError
from spyne.error import Fault

    from lxml import etree
except ImportError:

string_encoding = 'utf8'

FLOAT_PATTERN = '-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*'
DATE_PATTERN = r'(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d{2})-(?P<day>\d{2})'
TIME_PATTERN = r'(?P<hr>\d{2}):(?P<min>\d{2}):(?P<sec>\d{2})(?P<sec_frac>\.\d+)?'
OFFSET_PATTERN = r'(?P<tz_hr>[+-]\d{2}):(?P<tz_min>\d{2})'
UUID_PATTERN = "%(x)s{8}-%(x)s{4}-%(x)s{4}-%(x)s{4}-%(x)s{12}" % \
                                                            {'x': '[a-fA-F0-9]'}

def _get_one_point_pattern(dim):
    return ' +'.join([FLOAT_PATTERN] * dim)

def _get_point_pattern(dim):
    return 'POINT *\\(%s\\)' % _get_one_point_pattern(dim)

def _get_one_line_pattern(dim):
    one_point = _get_one_point_pattern(dim)
    return '\\(%s *(, *%s)*\\)' % (one_point, one_point)

def _get_linestring_pattern(dim):
    return 'LINESTRING *%s' % _get_one_line_pattern(dim)

def _get_one_polygon_pattern(dim):
    one_line = _get_one_line_pattern(dim)
    return '\\(%s *(, *%s)*\\)' % (one_line, one_line)

def _get_polygon_pattern(dim):
    return 'POLYGON *%s' % _get_one_polygon_pattern(dim)

_local_re = re.compile(DATETIME_PATTERN)
_utc_re = re.compile(DATETIME_PATTERN + 'Z')
_offset_re = re.compile(DATETIME_PATTERN + OFFSET_PATTERN)
_date_re = re.compile(DATE_PATTERN)
_time_re = re.compile(TIME_PATTERN)
_duration_re = re.compile(

_ns_xs = spyne.const.xml_ns.xsd
_ns_xsi = spyne.const.xml_ns.xsi

class AnyXml(SimpleModel):
[docs] """An xml node that can contain any number of sub nodes. It's represented by an ElementTree object.""" __type_name__ = 'anyType' class Attributes(SimpleModel.Attributes): namespace = None """Xml-Schema specific namespace attribute""" process_contents = None """Xml-Schema specific processContents attribute""" @classmethod @nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): return etree.tostring(value) @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): try: return etree.fromstring(string) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: raise ValidationError(string) class AnyDict(SimpleModel):
[docs] """A dict instance that can contain other dicts, iterables or primitive types. Its serialization is protocol-dependent. """ __type_name__ = 'anyType' class Unicode(SimpleModel):
[docs] """The type to represent human-readable data. Its native format is `unicode` or `str` with given encoding. """ __type_name__ = 'string' class Attributes(SimpleModel.Attributes):
[docs] """Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.Unicode` type.""" min_len = 0 """Minimum length of string. Can be set to any positive integer""" max_len = decimal.Decimal('inf') """Maximum length of string. Can be set to ``decimal.Decimal('inf')`` to accept strings of arbitrary length. You may also need to adjust :const:`spyne.server.wsgi.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH`.""" pattern = None """A regular expression that matches the whole string. See here for more info:""" encoding = None """The encoding of `str` objects this class may have to deal with.""" unicode_errors = 'strict' """The argument to the ``unicode`` builtin; one of 'strict', 'replace' or 'ignore'.""" format = None """A regular python string formatting string. See here:""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
assert len(args) <= 1 if len(args) == 1: kwargs['max_len'] = args[0] retval = SimpleModel.__new__(cls, ** kwargs) return retval @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, value): retval = value if isinstance(value, str): if cls.Attributes.encoding is None: retval = unicode(value, errors=cls.Attributes.unicode_errors) else: retval = unicode(value, cls.Attributes.encoding, errors=cls.Attributes.unicode_errors) return retval @classmethod @nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): retval = value if cls.Attributes.encoding is not None and isinstance(value, unicode): retval = value.encode(cls.Attributes.encoding) if cls.Attributes.format is None: return retval else: return cls.Attributes.format % retval @staticmethod def is_default(cls): return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls) and cls.Attributes.min_len == Unicode.Attributes.min_len and cls.Attributes.max_len == Unicode.Attributes.max_len and cls.Attributes.pattern == Unicode.Attributes.pattern) @staticmethod def validate_string(cls, value): return ( SimpleModel.validate_string(cls, value) and (value is None or ( len(value) >= cls.Attributes.min_len and len(value) <= cls.Attributes.max_len and _re_match_with_span(cls.Attributes, value) ))) def _re_match_with_span(attr, value):
if attr.pattern is None: return True m = attr._pattern_re.match(value) return (m is not None) and (m.span() == (0, len(value))) class String(Unicode): @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, value): retval = value if isinstance(value, unicode): if cls.Attributes.encoding is None: raise Exception("You need to define an encoding to convert the " "incoming unicode values to.") else: retval = value.encode(cls.Attributes.encoding) return retval if sys.version > '3': String = Unicode class AnyUri(Unicode):
[docs] """A special kind of String type designed to hold an uri.""" __type_name__ = 'anyURI' class Attributes(String.Attributes): text = None """The text shown in link. This is an object-wide constant.""" class Value(object):
[docs] """A special object that is just a better way of carrying the information carried with a link. :param href: The uri string. :param text: The text data that goes with the link. This is a ``str`` or a ``unicode`` instance. :param content: The structured data that goes with the link. This is an `lxml.etree.Element` instance. """ def __init__(self, href, text=None, content=None): self.href = href self.text = text self.content = content class ImageUri(AnyUri):
[docs] """A special kind of String that holds the uri of an image.""" class Decimal(SimpleModel):
[docs] """The primitive that corresponds to the native python Decimal. This is also the base class for denoting numbers. """ __type_name__ = 'decimal' class Attributes(SimpleModel.Attributes):
[docs] """Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.Decimal` type.""" gt = decimal.Decimal('-inf') # minExclusive """The value should be greater than this number.""" ge = decimal.Decimal('-inf') # minInclusive """The value should be greater than or equal to this number.""" lt = decimal.Decimal('inf') # maxExclusive """The value should be lower than this number.""" le = decimal.Decimal('inf') # maxInclusive """The value should be lower than or equal to this number.""" max_str_len = 1024 """The maximum length of string to be attempted to convert to number.""" format = None """A regular python string formatting string. See here:""" pattern = None """A regular expression that matches the whole field. See here for more info:""" total_digits = decimal.Decimal('inf') """Maximum number of digits.""" fraction_digits = decimal.Decimal('inf') """Maximum number of digits after the decimal separator.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
assert len(args) <= 2 if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] is not None: kwargs['total_digits'] = args[0] kwargs['fraction_digits'] = 0 if len(args) == 2 and args[1] is not None: kwargs['fraction_digits'] = args[1] assert args[1] <= args[0], "Total digits should be greater than" \ " or equal to fraction digits." \ " %r ! <= %r" % (args[1], args[0]) retval = SimpleModel.__new__(cls, ** kwargs) return retval @staticmethod def is_default(cls): return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls) and == and == and == and cls.Attributes.le == Decimal.Attributes.le and cls.Attributes.total_digits == \ Decimal.Attributes.total_digits and cls.Attributes.fraction_digits == \ Decimal.Attributes.fraction_digits ) @staticmethod def validate_string(cls, value): return SimpleModel.validate_string(cls, value) and ( value is None or ( len(value) <= (cls.Attributes.total_digits + cls.Attributes.fraction_digits + 1) # + 1 is for decimal separator )) @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return SimpleModel.validate_native(cls, value) and ( value is None or ( value > and value >= and value < and value <= cls.Attributes.le )) @classmethod @nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): decimal.Decimal(value) if cls.Attributes.format is None: return str(value) else: return cls.Attributes.format % value @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): if cls.Attributes.max_str_len is not None and len(string) > cls.Attributes.max_str_len: raise ValidationError(string, 'string too long.') try: return decimal.Decimal(string) except decimal.InvalidOperation, e: raise ValidationError(string) class Double(Decimal):
[docs] """This is serialized as the python ``float``. So this type comes with its gotchas. Unless you really know what you're doing, you should use a :class:`Decimal` with a pre-defined number of integer and decimal digits. """ __type_name__ = 'double' if platform.python_version_tuple()[:2] == ('2','6'): class Attributes(Decimal.Attributes): """Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.Double` type. This class is only here for Python 2.6: See this bug report for more info: """ gt = float('-inf') # minExclusive """The value should be greater than this number.""" ge = float('-inf') # minInclusive """The value should be greater than or equal to this number.""" lt = float('inf') # maxExclusive """The value should be lower than this number.""" le = float('inf') # maxInclusive """The value should be lower than or equal to this number.""" @staticmethod def is_default(cls): return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls) and == and == and == and cls.Attributes.le == Double.Attributes.le ) @classmethod @nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): float(value) if cls.Attributes.format is None: return repr(value) else: return cls.Attributes.format % value @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): try: return float(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError(string) class Float(Double):
[docs] """Synonym for Double (as far as python side of things are concerned). It's here for compatibility reasons.""" __type_name__ = 'float' class Integer(Decimal):
[docs] """The arbitrary-size signed integer.""" __type_name__ = 'integer' @classmethod @nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): int(value) # sanity check return str(value) @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): if cls.Attributes.max_str_len is not None and \ len(str(string)) > cls.Attributes.max_str_len: raise Fault('Client.ValidationError', 'String longer than ' '%d characters.' % cls.Attributes.max_str_len) try: return int(string) except ValueError: try: return int(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError(string) class UnsignedInteger(Integer):
[docs] """The arbitrary-size unsigned integer, aka nonNegativeInteger.""" __type_name__ = 'nonNegativeInteger' @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( Integer.validate_native(cls, value) and value >= 0 ) NonNegativeInteger = UnsignedInteger
class Integer64(Integer):
[docs] """The 64-bit signed integer, aka long.""" __type_name__ = 'long' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**64, 10)) + 1 # +1 for negatives @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( Integer.validate_native(cls, value) and -0x8000000000000000 <= value < 0x8000000000000000 ) Long = Integer64
class Integer32(Integer):
[docs] """The 32-bit signed integer, aka int.""" __type_name__ = 'int' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**32, 10)) + 1 # +1 for negatives @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( Integer.validate_native(cls, value) and -0x80000000 <= value < 0x80000000 ) Int = Integer32
class Integer16(Integer):
[docs] """The 8-bit signed integer, aka short.""" __type_name__ = 'short' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**16, 10)) + 1 # +1 for negatives @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( Integer.validate_native(cls, value) and -0x8000 <= value < 0x8000 ) Short = Integer64
class Integer8(Integer):
[docs] """The 8-bit signed integer, aka byte.""" __type_name__ = 'byte' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**8, 10)) + 1 # +1 for negatives @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( Integer.validate_native(cls, value) and -0x80 <= value < 0x80 ) Byte = Integer8
class UnsignedInteger64(UnsignedInteger):
[docs] """The 64-bit unsigned integer, aka unsignedLong.""" __type_name__ = 'unsignedLong' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**64, 10)) @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( UnsignedInteger.validate_native(cls, value) and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) UnsignedLong = UnsignedInteger64
class UnsignedInteger32(UnsignedInteger):
[docs] """The 32-bit unsigned integer, aka unsignedInt.""" __type_name__ = 'unsignedInt' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**32, 10)) @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( UnsignedInteger.validate_native(cls, value) and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF ) UnsignedInt = UnsignedInteger32
class UnsignedInteger16(Integer):
[docs] """The 16-bit unsigned integer, aka unsignedShort.""" __type_name__ = 'unsignedShort' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**16, 10)) @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( UnsignedInteger.validate_native(cls, value) and value <= 0xFFFF ) UnsignedShort = UnsignedInteger16
class UnsignedInteger8(Integer):
[docs] """The 8-bit unsigned integer, aka unsignedByte.""" __type_name__ = 'unsignedByte' class Attributes(Integer.Attributes): max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**8, 10)) @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return ( UnsignedInteger.validate_native(cls, value) and value <= 0xFF ) UnsignedByte = UnsignedInteger8
class Time(SimpleModel):
[docs] """Just that, Time. No time zone support. Native type is :class:`datetime.time`. """ __type_name__ = 'time' class Attributes(SimpleModel.Attributes):
[docs] """Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.Time` type.""" gt = datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0) # minExclusive """The time should be greater than this time.""" ge = datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0) # minInclusive """The time should be greater than or equal to this time.""" lt = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999999) # maxExclusive """The time should be lower than this time.""" le = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999999) # maxInclusive """The time should be lower than or equal to this time.""" pattern = None """A regular expression that matches the whole time. See here for more info:""" @classmethod
@nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): """Returns ISO formatted dates.""" return value.isoformat() @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): """Expects ISO formatted times.""" match = _time_re.match(string) if match is None: raise ValidationError(string) fields = match.groupdict(0) microsec = fields.get("sec_frac") if microsec is None or microsec == 0: microsec = 0 else: microsec = int(microsec[1:]) return datetime.time(int(fields['hr']), int(fields['min']), int(fields['sec']), microsec) @staticmethod def is_default(cls): return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls) and == and == and == and cls.Attributes.le == Time.Attributes.le and cls.Attributes.pattern == Time.Attributes.pattern ) @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return SimpleModel.validate_native(cls, value) and ( value is None or ( value > and value >= and value < and value <= cls.Attributes.le )) class DateTime(SimpleModel):
[docs] """A compact way to represent dates and times together. Supports time zones. Native type is :class:`datetime.datetime`. """ __type_name__ = 'dateTime' class Attributes(SimpleModel.Attributes):
[docs] """Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.DateTime` type.""" gt = datetime.datetime(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.utc) # minExclusive """The datetime should be greater than this datetime.""" ge = datetime.datetime(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.utc) # minInclusive """The datetime should be greater than or equal to this datetime.""" lt = datetime.datetime(datetime.MAXYEAR, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999, pytz.utc) # maxExclusive """The datetime should be lower than this datetime.""" le = datetime.datetime(datetime.MAXYEAR, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999, pytz.utc) # maxInclusive """The datetime should be lower than or equal to this datetime.""" pattern = None """A regular expression that matches the whole datetime. See here for more info:""" format = None """DateTime format fed to the ``strftime`` function. See: Ignored by protocols like SOAP which have their own ideas about how DateTime objects should be serialized.""" string_format = None """A regular python string formatting string. %s will contain the date string. See here for more info:""" @classmethod
@nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): format = cls.Attributes.format if format is None: ret_str = value.isoformat() else: ret_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(value, format) string_format = cls.Attributes.string_format if string_format is None: return ret_str else: return string_format % ret_str @staticmethod def parse(date_match, tz=None): fields = date_match.groupdict() year = int(fields.get('year')) month = int(fields.get('month')) day = int(fields.get('day')) hour = int(fields.get('hr')) min = int(fields.get('min')) sec = int(fields.get('sec')) microsec = fields.get("sec_frac") if microsec is None: microsec = 0 else: microsec = int(microsec[1:]) return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, microsec, tz) @classmethod def default_parse(cls, string): match = _utc_re.match(string) if match: return cls.parse(match, tz=pytz.utc) match = _offset_re.match(string) if match: tz_hr, tz_min = [int( for x in ("tz_hr", "tz_min")] return cls.parse(match, tz=FixedOffset(tz_hr * 60 + tz_min, {})) match = _local_re.match(string) if match is None: raise ValidationError(string) return cls.parse(match) @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): """expect ISO formatted dates""" format = cls.Attributes.format if format is None: return cls.default_parse(string) else: return datetime.datetime.strptime(string, format) @staticmethod def is_default(cls): return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls) and == and == and == and cls.Attributes.le == DateTime.Attributes.le and cls.Attributes.pattern == DateTime.Attributes.pattern ) @staticmethod def validate_native(cls, value): return SimpleModel.validate_native(cls, value) and ( value is None or ( value > and value >= and value < and value <= cls.Attributes.le )) class Date(DateTime):
[docs] """Just that, Date. No time zone support. Native type is :class:``. """ __type_name__ = 'date' class Attributes(DateTime.Attributes):
[docs] """Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.Date` type.""" gt =, 1, 1) # minExclusive """The date should be greater than this date.""" ge =, 1, 1) # minInclusive """The date should be greater than or equal to this date.""" lt =, 12, 31) # maxExclusive """The date should be lower than this date.""" le =, 12, 31) # maxInclusive """The date should be lower than or equal to this date.""" format = '%Y-%m-%d' """DateTime format fed to the ``strftime`` function. See: Ignored by protocols like SOAP which have their own ideas about how Date objects should be serialized.""" pattern = None """A regular expression that matches the whole date. See here for more info:""" @classmethod
@nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): """Returns ISO formatted date.""" return value.isoformat() @classmethod def default_parse(cls, string):
[docs] """This is used by protocols like SOAP who need ISO8601-formatted dates no matter what. """ try: return*(time.strptime(string, '%Y-%m-%d')[0:3])) except ValueError: raise ValidationError(string) @classmethod
@nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): try: d = datetime.datetime.strptime(string, cls.Attributes.format) return, d.month, except ValueError: raise ValidationError(string) @staticmethod def is_default(cls): return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls) and == and == and == and cls.Attributes.le == Date.Attributes.le and cls.Attributes.pattern == Date.Attributes.pattern ) # this object tries to follow ISO 8601 standard. class Duration(SimpleModel):
[docs] """Native type is :class:`datetime.timedelta`.""" __type_name__ = 'duration' @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): duration = _duration_re.match(string).groupdict(0) if duration is None: ValidationError(string) days = int(duration['days']) days += int(duration['months']) * 30 days += int(duration['years']) * 365 hours = int(duration['hours']) minutes = int(duration['minutes']) seconds = float(duration['seconds']) f, i = math.modf(seconds) seconds = i microseconds = int(1e6 * f) delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds) if duration['sign'] == "-": delta *= -1 return delta @classmethod def to_string(cls, value): if value.days < 0: value = -value negative = True else: negative = False seconds = value.seconds % 60 minutes = value.seconds / 60 hours = minutes / 60 minutes = minutes % 60 seconds = float(seconds) + value.microseconds / 1e6 retval = deque() if negative: retval.append("-") retval = ['P'] if value.days > 0: retval.extend([ "%iD" % value.days, ]) if hours > 0 and minutes > 0 and seconds > 0: retval.extend([ "T", "%iH" % hours, "%iM" % minutes, "%fS" % seconds, ]) else: retval.extend([ "0S", ]) return ''.join(retval) class Boolean(SimpleModel):
[docs] """Life is simple here. Just true or false.""" __type_name__ = 'boolean' @classmethod @nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): return str(bool(value)).lower() @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): return (string.lower() in ['true', '1']) class Uuid(Unicode(pattern=UUID_PATTERN, type_name='uuid')):
[docs] """Unicode subclass for Universially-Unique Identifiers.""" __namespace__ = '' @classmethod @nillable_string def to_string(cls, value): return str(value) @classmethod @nillable_string def from_string(cls, string): return uuid.UUID(string) class Polygon(Unicode):
[docs] """An experimental point type whose native format is WKT. You can use :func:`shapely.wkt.loads` to get a proper polygon type.""" __base_type__ = Unicode class Attributes(Unicode.Attributes): dim = None def __new__(cls, dim=None, **kwargs): assert dim in (None,2,3) if dim is not None: kwargs['dim'] = dim kwargs['pattern'] = _get_polygon_pattern(dim) kwargs['type_name'] = 'polygon%dd' % dim return SimpleModel.__new__(cls, ** kwargs) class Point(Unicode):
[docs] """An experimental point type whose native format is WKT. You can use :func:`shapely.wkt.loads` to get a proper point type.""" __base_type__ = Unicode class Attributes(Unicode.Attributes): dim = None def __new__(cls, dim=None, **kwargs): assert dim in (None,2,3) if dim is not None: kwargs['dim'] = dim kwargs['pattern'] = _get_point_pattern(dim) kwargs['type_name'] = 'point%dd' % dim return SimpleModel.__new__(cls, ** kwargs) # a class that is really a namespace class Mandatory:
[docs] """Class that contains mandatory variants of primitives.""" Unicode = Unicode(type_name="MandatoryString", min_occurs=1, nillable=False, min_len=1) String = String(type_name="MandatoryString", min_occurs=1, nillable=False, min_len=1) AnyXml = AnyXml(type_name="MandatoryXml", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) AnyDict = AnyDict(type_name="MandatoryDict", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) AnyUri = AnyUri(type_name="MandatoryUri", min_occurs=1, nillable=False, min_len=1) ImageUri = ImageUri(type_name="MandatoryImageUri", min_occurs=1, nillable=False, min_len=1) Boolean = Boolean(type_name="MandatoryBoolean", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Date = Date(type_name="MandatoryDate", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Time = Time(type_name="MandatoryTime", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) DateTime = DateTime(type_name="MandatoryDateTime", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Duration = Duration(type_name="MandatoryDuration", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Decimal = Decimal(type_name="MandatoryDecimal", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Double = Decimal(type_name="MandatoryDouble", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Float = Double Integer = Integer(type_name="MandatoryInteger", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Integer64 = Integer64(type_name="MandatoryLong", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Integer32 = Integer32(type_name="MandatoryInt", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Integer16 = Integer16(type_name="MandatoryShort", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Integer8 = Integer8(type_name="MandatoryByte", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) Long = Integer64 Int = Integer32 Short = Integer16 Byte = Integer8 UnsignedInteger = UnsignedInteger(type_name="MandatoryUnsignedInteger", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) UnsignedInteger64 = UnsignedInteger64(type_name="MandatoryUnsignedLong", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) UnsignedInteger32 = UnsignedInteger32(type_name="MandatoryUnsignedInt", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) UnsignedInteger16 = UnsignedInteger16(type_name="MandatoryUnsignedShort", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) UnsignedInteger8 = UnsignedInteger8(type_name="MandatoryUnsignedByte", min_occurs=1, nillable=False) UnsignedLong = UnsignedInteger64 UnsignedInt = UnsignedInteger32 UnsignedShort = UnsignedInteger16 UnsignedByte = UnsignedInteger8 Uuid = Uuid(type_name="MandatoryUuid", min_occurs=1, nillable=False, min_len=1) NATIVE_MAP = {
float: Double, bool: Boolean, datetime.datetime: DateTime, datetime.time: Time, Date, datetime.timedelta: Duration, decimal.Decimal: Decimal, uuid.UUID: Uuid, } if sys.version > '3': NATIVE_MAP.update({ str: Unicode, unicode: Unicode, int: Integer, }) else: NATIVE_MAP.update({ str: String, unicode: Unicode, int: Integer64, long: Integer, })