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Spyne Documentation

Actually, Spyne 2.11 docs are not quite done yet.

Spyne 2.11 has been in the making for more than a year and received around 1400 commits on top of the 2.10 branch.

So the documentation is a huge TBD at the moment. There’s the migration guide, the changelog and that’s that.

Yet, we tried very hard to keep backwards compatibility. Which means your existing (correct) code should work without any changes with 2.11. Which in turn means you can safely refer to the 2.10 docs, they’re still quite relevant.

Don’t forget to read the migration guide first if you’re migrating from 2.10 to 2.11 though, there were still some changes that can break existing code.

But most important of it all, Have fun!

PS: Feedback about the docs are pure gold to us, simply because the most important thing the Spyne committers lack is an outside perspective to the project. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via

PPS: Why did we not publish 2.11 docs verbatim and update it along the way? Because we hate broken documentation links.

Getting Started


Spyne aims to save the protocol implementers the hassle of implementing their own remote procedure call api and the application programmers the hassle of jumping through hoops just to expose their services using multiple protocols and transports.

In other words, Spyne is a framework for building distributed solutions that strictly follow the MVC pattern, where Model = spyne.model, View = spyne.protocol and Controller = user code.

Spyne comes with the implementations of popular transport, protocol and interface document standards along with a well-defined API that lets you build on existing functionality.

Spyne currently supports the WSDL 1.1 interface description standard, along with SOAP 1.1 and the so-called HttpRpc, XmlDocument, JsonDocument, YamlDocument, MessagePackDocument and MessagePackRpc protocols which can be transported via Http or ZeroMQ. The transports can be used in both a client or server setting.

The following are the primary sources of information about spyne:


Spyne source distribution is a collection of highly decoupled components, which makes it a bit difficult to put a simple list of requirements, as literally everything except pytz is optional.

Python version

First things first: Spyne is known to fully work on Python versions 2.6 and 2.7. However Spyne’s Soap (and all of its subcomponents like XmlDocument, Wsdl, etc.) subsystem also works on Python 3.3 and up. You can track the Python 3 porting progress from our jenkins deployment, here:

The only hard requirement is pytz which is available via pypi.


Additionally the following software packages are needed for various subsystems of Spyne:

  • A Wsgi server of your choice is needed to wrap spyne.server.wsgi.WsgiApplication
  • lxml>=3.2.5 is needed for any xml-related protocol.
  • lxml>=3.3.0 is needed for any html-related protocol.
  • SQLAlchemy is needed for spyne.model.complex.TTableModel.
  • pyzmq is needed for spyne.client.zeromq.ZeroMQClient and spyne.server.zeromq.ZeroMQServer.
  • Werkzeug is needed for using spyne.protocol.http.HttpRpc under a wsgi transport.
  • PyParsing is needed for using HttpPattern‘s with spyne.protocol.http.HttpRpc. Use PyParsing<2.0 on Python 2 as PyParsing>=2.x is Python 3 only.
  • Twisted is needed for anything in spyne.server.twisted and spyne.client.twisted.
  • Django (tested with 1.4 and up) is needed for anything in spyne.server.django.
  • Pyramid is needed for spyne.server.pyramid.PyramidApplication.
  • msgpack-python is needed for spyne.protocol.msgpack.
  • PyYaml is needed for spyne.protocol.yaml.
  • simplejson is used when found for spyne.protocol.json.

You are advised to add these as requirements to your own projects, as these are only optional dependencies of Spyne, thus not handled in its setup script.


You can get spyne via pypi:

easy_install spyne

or you can clone the latest master tree from github:

git clone git://

To install from source distribution, you can run the setup script as usual:

python install [--user]

If you want to make any changes to the Spyne code, just use

python develop [--user]

so that you can painlessly test your patches.

Finally, to run the tests use:

pyhon test

The test script should first install every single library that Spyne integrates with to the current directory, along with additional packages like pytest or tox that are only needed when running Spyne testsuite.

Getting Support

The official mailing list for both users and developers alike can be found at:

You can also use the ‘spyne’ tag to ask questions on Stack Overflow.

Please don’t use the issue tracker for asking questions. It’s the database that holds the most important information for the project, so we must avoid cluttering it as much as possible.


Please see the CONTRIBUTING.rst file in the Spyne source distribution for information about how you can help Spyne get more awesome.


Spyne committers get a free license for PyCharm Professional Edition, courtesy of JetBrains.

CloudBees generously hosts our Jenkins installation and gives us a ton of compute time for free.

Thanks a lot guys!..

Library Documentation

TBD. In the mean time, check out the 2.10 docs: