Source code for spyne.protocol.http

# spyne - Copyright (C) Spyne contributors.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301

"""The ``spyne.protocol.http`` module contains the HttpRpc protocol

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import re
import pytz
import tempfile

from spyne.util.six import string_types, BytesIO, PY3
if PY3:
    from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
    from Cookie import SimpleCookie

from spyne import BODY_STYLE_WRAPPED, MethodDescriptor
from spyne.error import ResourceNotFoundError
from spyne.model.binary import BINARY_ENCODING_URLSAFE_BASE64, File
from spyne.model.primitive import DateTime
from spyne.protocol.dictdoc import SimpleDictDocument

    from io import StringIO
except ImportError: # Python 2
        from cStringIO import StringIO
    except ImportError:
        from StringIO import StringIO


def get_stream_factory(dir=None, delete=True):
[docs] def stream_factory(total_content_length, filename, content_type, content_length=None): if total_content_length >= SWAP_DATA_TO_FILE_THRESHOLD or \ delete == False: if delete == False: # You need python >= 2.6 for this. retval = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', dir=dir, delete=delete) else: retval = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', dir=dir) else: retval = BytesIO() return retval return stream_factory _weekday = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
_month = ['w00t', "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] def _header_to_string(prot, val, cls): if issubclass(cls, DateTime): if val.tzinfo is not None: val = val.astimezone(pytz.utc) else: val = val.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) return "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % ( _weekday[val.weekday()],, _month[val.month], val.year, val.hour, val.minute, val.second) else: return prot.to_string(cls, val) class HttpRpc(SimpleDictDocument):
[docs] """The so-called HttpRpc protocol implementation. It only works with Http (wsgi and twisted) transports. :param app: An :class:'spyne.application.Application` instance. :param validator: Validation method to use. One of (None, 'soft') :param mime_type: Default mime type to set. Default is 'application/octet-stream' :param tmp_dir: Temporary directory to store partial file uploads. Default is to use the OS default. :param tmp_delete_on_close: The ``delete`` argument to the :class:`tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile`. See: :param ignore_uncap: As HttpRpc can't serialize complex models, it throws a server exception when the return type of the user function is Complex. Passing ``True`` to this argument prevents that by ignoring the return value. """ mime_type = 'text/plain' default_binary_encoding = BINARY_ENCODING_URLSAFE_BASE64 type = set(SimpleDictDocument.type) type.add('http') def __init__(self, app=None, validator=None, mime_type=None, tmp_dir=None, tmp_delete_on_close=True, ignore_uncap=False, parse_cookie=True, hier_delim=".", strict_arrays=False): super(HttpRpc, self).__init__(app, validator, mime_type, ignore_uncap=ignore_uncap, hier_delim=hier_delim, strict_arrays=strict_arrays) self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir self.tmp_delete_on_close = tmp_delete_on_close self.parse_cookie = parse_cookie def get_tmp_delete_on_close(self):
[docs] return self.__tmp_delete_on_close def set_tmp_delete_on_close(self, val):
[docs] self.__tmp_delete_on_close = val self.stream_factory = get_stream_factory(self.tmp_dir, self.__tmp_delete_on_close) tmp_delete_on_close = property(get_tmp_delete_on_close,
set_tmp_delete_on_close) def set_validator(self, validator):
[docs] if validator == 'soft' or validator is self.SOFT_VALIDATION: self.validator = self.SOFT_VALIDATION elif validator is None: self.validator = None else: raise ValueError(validator) def create_in_document(self, ctx, in_string_encoding=None):
[docs] assert ctx.transport.type.endswith('http'), \ ("This protocol only works with an http transport, not %r, (in %r)" % (ctx.transport.type, ctx.transport)) ctx.in_document = ctx.transport.req ctx.transport.request_encoding = in_string_encoding def decompose_incoming_envelope(self, ctx, message):
[docs] assert message == SimpleDictDocument.REQUEST ctx.transport.itself.decompose_incoming_envelope(self, ctx, message) if self.parse_cookie: cookies = ctx.in_header_doc.get('cookie', None) if cookies is None: cookies = ctx.in_header_doc.get('Cookie', None) if cookies is not None: for cookie_string in cookies: cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(cookie_string) for k,v in cookie.items(): l = ctx.in_header_doc.get(k, []) l.append(v.coded_value) ctx.in_header_doc[k] = l logger.debug('\theader : %r' % (ctx.in_header_doc)) logger.debug('\tbody : %r' % (ctx.in_body_doc)) def deserialize(self, ctx, message):
[docs] assert message in (self.REQUEST,) self.event_manager.fire_event('before_deserialize', ctx) if ctx.descriptor is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(ctx.method_request_string) req_enc = getattr(ctx.transport, 'request_encoding', None) if ctx.descriptor.in_header is not None: # HttpRpc supports only one header class in_header_class = ctx.descriptor.in_header[0] ctx.in_header = self.simple_dict_to_object(ctx.in_header_doc, in_header_class, self.validator, req_enc=req_enc) if ctx.descriptor.in_message is not None: ctx.in_object = self.simple_dict_to_object(ctx.in_body_doc, ctx.descriptor.in_message, self.validator, req_enc=req_enc) self.event_manager.fire_event('after_deserialize', ctx) def serialize(self, ctx, message):
[docs] assert message in (self.RESPONSE,) if ctx.out_document is not None: return if ctx.out_error is None: result_class = ctx.descriptor.out_message header_class = ctx.descriptor.out_header if header_class is not None: # HttpRpc supports only one header class header_class = header_class[0] # assign raw result to its wrapper, result_message if ctx.out_object is None or len(ctx.out_object) < 1: ctx.out_document = [''] else: out_class = None out_object = None if ctx.descriptor.body_style is BODY_STYLE_WRAPPED: fti = result_class.get_flat_type_info(result_class) if len(fti) > 1 and not self.ignore_uncap: raise TypeError("HttpRpc protocol can only " "serialize functions with a single return type.") if len(fti) == 1: out_class, = fti.values() out_object, = ctx.out_object else: out_class = result_class out_object, = ctx.out_object if out_class is not None: ctx.out_document = self.to_string_iterable(out_class, out_object) if issubclass(out_class, File) and not \ isinstance(out_object, (list, tuple, string_types)) \ and out_object.type is not None: ctx.transport.set_mime_type(str(out_object.type)) # header if ctx.out_header is not None: out_header = ctx.out_header if isinstance(ctx.out_header, (list, tuple)): out_header = ctx.out_header[0] ctx.out_header_doc = self.object_to_simple_dict(header_class, out_header, subvalue_eater=_header_to_string) else: ctx.transport.mime_type = 'text/plain' ctx.out_document = ctx.out_error.to_string_iterable(ctx.out_error) self.event_manager.fire_event('serialize', ctx) def create_out_string(self, ctx, out_string_encoding='utf8'):
[docs] if ctx.out_string is not None: return ctx.out_string = ctx.out_document _fragment_pattern_re = re.compile('<([A-Za-z0-9_]+)>')
_full_pattern_re = re.compile('{([A-Za-z0-9_]+)}') class HttpPattern(object):
[docs] """Experimental. Stay away. :param address: Address pattern :param verb: HTTP Verb pattern :param host: HTTP "Host:" header pattern """ @staticmethod def _compile_url_pattern(pattern): """where <> placeholders don't contain slashes.""" if pattern is None: return None pattern = _fragment_pattern_re.sub(r'(?P<\1>[^/]*)', pattern) pattern = _full_pattern_re.sub(r'(?P<\1>[^/]*)', pattern) return re.compile(pattern) @staticmethod def _compile_host_pattern(pattern): """where <> placeholders don't contain dots.""" if pattern is None: return None pattern = _fragment_pattern_re.sub(r'(?P<\1>[^\.]*)', pattern) pattern = _full_pattern_re.sub(r'(?P<\1>.*)', pattern) return re.compile(pattern) @staticmethod def _compile_verb_pattern(pattern): """where <> placeholders are same as {} ones.""" if pattern is None: return None pattern = _fragment_pattern_re.sub(r'(?P<\1>.*)', pattern) pattern = _full_pattern_re.sub(r'(?P<\1>.*)', pattern) return re.compile(pattern) def __init__(self, address=None, verb=None, host=None, endpoint=None): self.address = address = host self.verb = verb self.endpoint = endpoint if self.endpoint is not None: assert isinstance(self.endpoint, MethodDescriptor) def hello(self, descriptor):
[docs] if self.address is None: self.address = @property
def address(self): return self.__address @address.setter def address(self, what):
[docs] self.__address = what self.address_re = self._compile_url_pattern(what) @property
def host(self): return self.__host @host.setter def host(self, what):
[docs] self.__host = what self.host_re = self._compile_host_pattern(what) @property
def verb(self): return self.__verb @verb.setter def verb(self, what):
[docs] self.__verb = what self.verb_re = self._compile_verb_pattern(what) def as_werkzeug_rule(self):
[docs] from werkzeug.routing import Rule from spyne.util.invregexp import invregexp methods = None if self.verb is not None: methods = invregexp(self.verb) host = if host is None: host = '<__ignored>' # for some reason, this is necessary when # host_matching is enabled. return Rule(self.address, host=host,, methods=methods) def __repr__(self):
return "HttpPattern(address=%r, host=%r, verb=%r, endpoint=%r" % ( self.address,, self.verb,