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Spyne Models and Native Python Types

There are five types of models in Spyne:

  • Primitive: These are basic models that can contain a single value at a time. Primitive types are more-or-less present in any programming language and all of them map to a well-defined Python type. Types like Integer, Decimal, Float, String, Date are all primitives. See the documentation for spyne.model.primitive for more info.
  • Enum: Custom types that can take only a pre-determined number of values. It’s also possible to get enum-like behavior with primitives as well. Enums are defined using the spyne.model.enum.Enum class.
  • Binary: Binary types are used to represent arbitrarily-long byte streams. There are two binary types in Spyne: The spyne.model.binary.ByteArray and the spyne.model.binary.File class. While any sequence of str instances can be used as ByteArray, the File only works with a File.Value instance. Please see the relevant example below for a more thorough explanation.
  • Complex: Complex objects are subclasses of the spyne.model.complex.ComplexModel class. They are hierarchical container classes that can contain any type of object. Two well known examples are the spyne.model.complex.Array and spyne.model.complex.Iterable types. They are just specialized complex objects.
  • Fault: When an exception is thrown from the user code, it’s serialized and returned to the client as a spyne.model.fault.Fault. If it is not a subclass of Fault, the client will probably see this as an internal error. Some of the most common exceptions that a web service might need to throw can be found in the spyne.error module.

Before going into detail about each category of models, we will first talk about an operation that applies to all models: Type Customization.


Model customization is how one adds declarative restrictions and other metadata to a Spyne model. This model metadata is stored in a generic object called Attributes. Every Spyne model has this object as a class attribute.

As an example, let’s customize the vanilla Unicode type to accept only valid email strings:

class EmailString(Unicode):
    __type_name__ = 'EmailString'

    class Attributes(Unicode.Attributes):
        max_length = 128
        pattern = '[^@]+@[^@]+'

You must consult the reference of the type you want to customize in order to learn about which values it supports for its Attributes object.

As this is a quite verbose way of doing it, Spyne offers an in-line customization mechanism for every type:

EmailString = Unicode.customize(

Here, type_name is a special argument name that gets assigned to __type_name__ instead of the Attributes class.

Calling simple types directly is a shortcut to their customize method:

EmailString = Unicode(

As restricting the length of a string is very common (not all types have such shortcuts), the length limit can be passed as a positional argument as well:

EmailString = Unicode(128,

It’s actually also not strictly necessary (yet highly recommended) to pass a type name:

EmailString = Unicode(128, pattern='[^@]+@[^@]+')

When the type_name is omitted, Spyne auto-generates a type name for the new custom type basing on the class it’s used in.

Type customizations can also be anonymously tucked inside other class definitions:

class User(ComplexModel):
    user_name = Unicode(64, pattern='[a-z0-9_-]')
    email_address = Unicode(128, pattern='[^@]+@[^@]+')

Do note that calling ComplexModel subclasses instantitates them. That’s why you should use the .customize() call, or plain old subclassing to customize complex types:

class MandatoryUser(User):
    class Attributes(User.Attributes):


MandatoryUser = User.customize(nullable=False, min_occurs=1)


Using primitives in functions are very simple. Here are some examples:

class SomeSampleServices(ServiceBase):
    @srpc(Decimal, Decimal, _returns=Decimal)
    def exp(x, y):
        """Exponentiate arbitrary rationals. A very DoS friendly service!"""
        return x ** y

    utcnow = @srpc(_returns=DateTime)(datetime.utcnow)

    @srpc(Unicode, _returns=Unicode)
    def upper(s):
        return s.upper()

    # etc.

Let’s now look at them group by group:


Numbers are organized in a hierarchy, with the spyne.model.primitive.Decimal type at the top. In its vanilla state, the Decimal class is the arbitrary-precision, arbitrary-size generic number type that will accept just any decimal number.

It has two direct subclasses: The arbitrary-size spyne.model.primitive.Integer type and the machine-dependent spyne.model.primitive.Double (spyne.model.primitive.Float is a synonym for Double as Python does not distinguish between floats and doubles) types.

Unless you are sure that you need to deal with arbitrary-size numbers you should not use the arbitrary-size types in their vanilla form.

You must also refrain from using spyne.model.primitive.Float and spyne.model.primitive.Double types unless you need your math to roll faster as their representation is machine-specific, thus not very reliable nor portable.

For integers, we recommend you to use bounded types like spyne.model.primitive.UnsignedInteger32 which can only contain a 32-bit unsigned integer. (Which is very popular as e.g. a primary key type in a relational database.)

For floating-point numbers, use the Decimal type with a pre-defined scale and precision. E.g. Decimal(16, 4) can represent a 16-digit number in total which can have up to 4 decimal digits, which could be used e.g. as a nice monetary type. [1]

Note that it is your responsibility to make sure that the scale and precision constraints are consistent with the values in the context of the decimal package. See the decimal.getcontext() documentation for more information.

It’s also possible to set range constraints (Decimal(gt=4, lt=10)) or discrete values (UnsignedInteger8(values=[2,4,6,8]). Please see the spyne.model.primitive documentation for more details regarding number handling in Spyne.


There are two string types in Spyne: spyne.model.primitive.Unicode and spyne.model.primitive.String whose native types are unicode and str respectively.

Unlike the Python str, the Spyne String is not for arbitrary byte streams. You should not use it unless you are absolutely, positively sure that you need to deal with text data with an unknown encoding. In all other cases, you should just use the Unicode type. They actually look the same from outside, this distinction is made just to properly deal with the quirks surrounding Python-2’s unicode type.

Remember that you have the ByteArray and File types at your disposal when you need to deal with arbitrary byte streams.

The String type will be just an alias for Unicode once Spyne gets ported to Python 3. It might even be deprecated and removed in the future, so make sure you are using either Unicode or ByteArray in your interface definitions.

File, ByteArray, Unicode and String are all arbitrary-size in their vanilla versions. Don’t forget to customize them with additional restrictions when implementing public services.

Just like numbers, it’s also possible to place value-based constraints on Strings (e.g. String(values=['red', 'green', 'blue']) ) but not lexical constraints.

See also the configuration parameters of your favorite transport for more information on request size restriction and other precautions against potential abuse.

Date/Time Types

spyne.model.primitive.Date, spyne.model.primitive.Time and spyne.model.primitive.DateTime correspond to the native types, datetime.time and datetime.datetime respectively. Spyne supports working with both offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes.

As long as you return the proper native types, you should be fine.

As a side note, the dateutil package is mighty useful for dealing with dates, times and timezones. Highly recommended!

Spatial Types

Spyne comes with six basic spatial types that are supported by popular packages like PostGIS and Shapely.

These are provided as Unicode subclasses that just define proper constraints to force the incoming string to be compliant with the Well known text (WKT) format. Well known binary (WKB) format is not (yet?) supported.

The incoming types are not parsed, but you can use shapely.wkb.loads() function to convert them to native geometric types.

The spatial types that Spyne suppors are as follows:

Also the Multi* variants, which are:

Miscellanous Types

There are types defined for convenience in the Xml Schema standard which are just convenience types on top of the text types. They are implemented as they are needed by Spyne users. The following are some of the more notable ones.

Please consult the spyne.model.primitive documentation for a more complete list.

Dynamic Types

While Spyne is all about putting firm restirictions on your input schema, it’s also about flexibility.

That’s why, while generally discouraged, the user can choose to accept or return unstructed data using the spyne.model.primitive.AnyDict, whose native type is a regular dict and spyne.model.primitive.AnyXml whose native type is a regular lxml.etree.Element.

AnyDict and AnyXml are roughly equivalent when the underlying protocol is an XML based one – AnyDict just totally ignores attributes.

Mandatory Variants



The spyne.model.enum.Enum type mimics the enum in C/C++ with some additional type safety. It’s part of the Spyne’s SOAP heritage so its being there is mostly for compatibility reasons. If you want to use it, go right ahead, it will work. But you can get the same functionality by defining a custom Unicode type via:

SomeUnicode = Unicode(values=['x', 'y', 'z'])

The equivalent Enum-based declaration would be as follows:

SomeEnum = Enum('x', 'y', 'z', type_name="SomeEnum")

These to would be serialized the same, yet their API is different. Lets look at the following class definition:

class SomeClass(ComplexModel):
    a = SomeEnum
    b = SomeUnicode

Assuming the following message comes in:


We will have:

>>> some_class.a == 'x'
>>> some_class.b == 'x'
>>> some_class.a == SomeEnum.x
>>> some_class.b == SomeEnum.x
>>> some_class.b is SomeEnum.x

So Enum is just a fancier value-restricted Unicode that has a marginally faster (as it doesn’t do string comparison) comparison option. You probably don’t need it.


Dealing with binary data has traditionally been a weak spot of most of the serialization formats in use today. The best XML or MIME (email) does is either base64 encoding or something similar, Json has no clue about binary data (and many other things actually, but let’s just not go there now) and SOAP, in all its bloatiness, has quite a few binary encoding options available, yet none of the “optimized” ones are implemented in Spyne [2].

Spyne supports binary data on all of the protocols it implements, falling back to base64 encoding where necessary. In terms of message size, the efficient protocols are MessagePack and good old Http. But, as MessagePack does not offer an incremental parsing/generation API in its Python wrapper, (in other words, it’s not possible to parse the message without having it all in memory) it’s best to use the spyne.protocol.http.HttpRpc protocol when dealing with arbitrary-size binary data.

A few points to consider:

  1. HttpRpc only works with a Http transport.
  2. HttpRpc supports only one file per request.
  3. Not every http transport supports incremental parsing of incoming data. (e.g. Twisted). Make sure to test your stack end-to-end to see how it handles huge messages [3].

Now that all that is said, let’s look at the API that Spyne provides for dealing with binary data.

Spyne offers two types:

  1. spyne.model.binary.ByteArray is a simple type that contains arbitrary data. It’s similar to Python’s own str in terms of functionality, but it’s a sequence of str instances instead of just a big str to be able to handle data in chunks using generators when needed [4].
  2. spyne.model.binary.File is a quirkier type that is mainly used to deal with Http way of dealing with file uploads. Its native value is the File.Value instance in spyne.model.binary.File. See its documentation for more information.

Dealing with binary data with Spyne is not that hard – you just need to make sure your data is parsed incrementally when you’re preparing to deal with arbitrary-size binary data, which means you need to do careful testing as different WSGI implementations behave differently.


Types that can contain other types are termed “complex objects”. They must be subclasses of spyne.model.complex.ComplexModel class.

Here’s a sample complex object definition:

class Permission(ComplexModel):
    application = Unicode
    feature = Unicode

The ComplexModel metaclass, namely the spyne.model.complex.ComplexModelMeta scans the class definition and ignores

  1. Those that begin with an underscore (_)
  2. Those that are not subclasses of the ModelBase.

If you want to use Python keywords as field names, or need leading underscores in field names, or you just want your Spyne definition and other code to be separate, you can do away with the metaclass magic and do this:

class Permission(ComplexModel):
    _type_info = {
        'application': Unicode,
        'feature': Unicode,

However, you still won’t get predictable field order, as you’re just assigning a dict to the _type_info attribute. If you also need that, (which becomes handy when you serialize your return value directly to HTML) you need to pass a sequence of (field_name, field_type) tuples, like so:

class Permission(ComplexModel):
    _type_info = [
        ('application', Unicode),
        ('feature', Unicode),

If you want to set some defaults (e.g. namespace) with your objects, you can define your own CompexModel base class as follows:

class MyAppComplexModel(ComplexModelBase):
    __namespace__ = ""
    __metaclass__ = ComplexModelMeta


If you need to deal with more than one instance of something, the spyne.model.complex.Array is what you need.

Imagine the following inside the definition of a User object:

permissions = Array(Permission)

The User can have an infinite number of permissions. If you need to put a limit to that, you can do this:

permissions = Array(Permission.customize(max_occurs=15))

It is important to emphasize once more that Spyne restrictions are only enforced for an incoming request when validation is enabled. If you want this enforcement for every assignment, you do this the usual way by writing a property setter.

The Array type has two alternatives. The first one is the spyne.model.complex.Iterable type.

permissions = Iterable(Permission)

It is equivalent to the Array type from an interface perspective – the client will not notice any difference between an Iterable and an Array as return type.

It’s just meant to signal the internediate machinery that the return value could be a generator and must not be consumed unless returning data to the client. This comes in handy for, e.g. custom loggers because they should not try to log the return value (as that would mean consuming the generator).

You could use the Iterable marker in other places instead of Array without any problems, but it’s really meant to be used as return types in function definitions.

The second alternative to the Array notation is the following:

permissions = Permission.customize(max_occurs='unbounded')

The native value that you should return for both remain the same: a sequence of the designated type. However, the exposed interface is slightly different for Xml and friends (other protocols that ship with Spyne always assume the second notation).

When you use Array, what really happens is that the customize() function of the array type creates an in-place class that is equivalent to the following:

class PermissionArray(ComplexModel):
    Permission = Permission.customize(max_occurs='unbounded')

Whereas when you just set max_occurs to a value greater than 1, you just get multiple values without the wrapping object.

As an example, let’s look at the following array:

v = [
    Permission(application='app', feature='f1'),
    Permission(application='app', feature='f2')

Here’s how it would be serialized to XML with Array(Permission) as return type:


The same value/type combination would result in the following json document:

        "application": "app",
        "feature": "f1"
        "application": "app",
        "feature": "f2"

However, when we serialize the same object to xml using the Permission.customize(max_occurs=float('inf')) annotation, we get two separate Xml documents, like so:


As for Json, we’d still get the same document. This trick sometimes needed by XML people for interoperability. Otherwise, you can use whichever version pleases your eye the most.

You can play with the examples/ in the source repository to see the above mechanism at work.

Complex Models as Return Values

When working with functions, you don’t need to return instances of the CompexModel subclasses themselves. Anything that walks and quacks like the designated return type will work just fine. Specifically, the returned object should return appropriate values on getattr()s for field names in the return type. Any exceptions thrown by the object’s __getattr__ method will be logged and ignored.

However, it is important to return instances and not classes themselves. Due to the way Spyne serialization works, the classes themselves will also work as return values until you actually seeing funky responses under load in production. Don’t do this! [5]


spyne.model.fault.Fault a special kind of ComplexModel that is also the subclass of Python’s own Exception.

When implementing public Spyne services, the recommendation is to raise instances of Fault subclasses for client errors, and let other exceptions bubble up until they get logged and re-raised as server-side errors by the protocol handlers.

Not all protocols and transports care about distinguishing client and server exceptions. Http has 4xx codes for client-side (invalid request case) errors and 5xx codes for server-side (legitimate request case) errors. SOAP uses “Client.” and “Server.” prefixes in error codes to make this distinction.

To integrate common transport and protocol behavior easily to Spyne, some common exceptions are defined in the spyne.error module. These are then hardwired to some common Http response codes so that e.g. raising a ResourceNotFoundError ends up setting the response code to 404.

You can look at the source code of the spyne.protocol.ProtocolBase.fault_to_http_response_code() to see which exceptions correspond to which return codes. This can be extended easily by subclassing your transport and overriding the fault_to_http_response_code function with your own version.

Note that, while using an Exception sink to re-raise non-Fault based exceptions as InternalErrors is recommended, it’s not Spyne’s default behavior – you need to subclass the spyne.application.Application and override the spyne.application.Application.call_wrapper() function like this:

class MyApplication(Application):
    def call_wrapper(self, ctx):
            return ctx.service_class.call_wrapper(ctx)

        except error.Fault, e:
            sc = ctx.service_class
            logger.error("Client Error: %r | Request: %r",
                                            (e, ctx.in_object))

        except Exception, e:
            sc = ctx.service_class
            raise InternalError(e)

What’s next?

See the User Manager tutorial that will walk you through defining complex objects and using events.

[1]By the way, Spyne does not include types like ISO-4217-compliant ‘currency’ and ‘monetary’ types. (See for more information.) They are actually really easy to implement. If you’re looking for a simple way to contribute, this would be a nice place to start! Patches are welcome!
[2]Spyne used to have mtom ( support. But as it was not maintained in a long time, it’s not currently functional. Patches are welcome!
[3]Not every browser or http daemon supports huge file uploads due to issues around 32-bit integers. E.g. Firefox < 18.0 can’t handle big files:
[4]Technically, a simple str instance is also a sequence of str instances. However, using a str as the value to ctx.out_string would cause sending data in one-byte chunks, which is very inefficient. See e.g. how HTTP’s chunked encoding works.